Speaking Opportunities at Events
FUN Enterprises Speakers are available to speak on many different topics at different events and occasions. If you planning an event and need an educational or training component, our speakers are perfect for you. From leadership and inspiration to motivation and personality, our speakers can bridge the gap for your management teams, customer service representatives, student activity leaders, trade participants and attendees.
We speak at:
Conferences – We can function as your Keynote Speaker or Master of Ceremonies, especially when you are looking to start with a dynamic conference opener or to end with a complete conference “wrap-up”. We can also help with your conference sessions, filling gaps and providing direction for your attendees.
Trainings – Do you need an objective individual to teach a training session? Someone who is not connected to the company or organization you represent? We can create training sessions that are tailored to your goals and will educate, motivate and inspire your team. Whether training managers or working with the ground level team, our sessions will lead the group being charged.
Meetings – Our speakers will energize a meeting with ice breakers sessions and then facilitate groups to promote creative thinking and teamwork.
Seminars – We can create a series of seminars based around your objectives. We can deliver these sessions over a period of time as it allows your staff or participants to get consistent re-enforcement and education about the subject matter.
Orientations – Setting expectations for students as well as parents can help transition families into college years. Students and parents have different ideas of what “happens” at college for the next 4 years and beyond. Corporate orientations can be important for new employees as well as seasoned workers. Periodic orientations on products, services, goals and leadership can help participants become better prepared and motivated for next steps in a corporate strategy.
Inspirational Leadership Speakers for your Corporate and Educational Events